It's time for summer camp and with that a new t-shirt design. All scouts my submit a design to be picked to be the official summer camp shirt. Appy this to ART or GRAPHIC ARTS merit badge BE SURE TO PUT THE YEAR SOMEWHERE IN THE DESIGN. Submit your entries to Scoutmaster RPack or bring them to the meeting. DEADLINE IS TUES MAY 28, when we pick the winner. It’s time once again to order the shirts for Troop 73. The order traditionally is placed at a time when the Scouts and Leaders go to Camp McKee for Summer camp. Each Scout and Leader attending camp is given one shirt of their size free as an incentive for going to camp. The shirt designs are submitted and voted on by the Scouts in the Troop. Be sure to turn in your Name, Quantity and size to the Summer Camp Director. Sizes: (Youth: L,M,S ) ; (Adult: L,M,S) As in the past, shirts are available to anyone in the Troop who wishes to purchase one for $10 each. Remember that each person going to camp receives one free. WINNING DESIGNS 2024 Robbie 2023 MarcAndrew
2022 Riley Hunter
2021 Marc
2020: we dont talk about it.
2019 Curtis Relich
2018 Nicholas 2017 Gabe
2016 Luke Campbell 2015 Ben Herman
2014 Nicholas Relich
2013 - Jacob Ferguson
2011 Nick Michl
2010 Nathan Vranicar