In addition to working on merit badges thru the week, there is 'free' time to use doing: Frisbee golf course, soccer/football field, basketball court, go fishing in the lake, swim in the lake, play board games (that you bring) You can schedule to use the Archery range, or (pay per ammo round) the rifle range or shotgun range.
SUMMER CAMP T-SHIRT CONTEST scouts will design our camp shirt INFO Winner gets a Slushie every day! (see Mr. Chase)
Merit Badge Classes https://bgbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024-Merit-Badge-Schedule.pdf
Early Bird Summer camp fee is $400?
Paypal payments have additional 5% fee. Email paypal payment to : Craven.bsa@gmail.com or Snail mail payment : make payment to TROOP 73 mail to:
You can pay for camp all in 1 payment of $400 (paypal=$420) or installments:
1st payment ...........Mar 26 : $125 (via paypal $131.25) (, but New scouts exempt from late fees) 2nd payment ...........Apr 16 : $125 (via paypal $131.25) ($25 late fee) 3rd Final payment,... May 7 : $150 (via paypal $157.5) (final payment)
If pre-payments are not made, or are late, the fee goes up. TBA Please make checks out to Troop 73 Payments are non-refundable from the council, but can be transferred within our troop to another scout. If summer camp is cancelled, refunds will be sent.
Possible additional fees if taking certain merit badge classes such as: climbing, mountain biking, robotics, cooking. Also may need to buy supplies for leatherwork, basketry, archery, pioneering, space exploration at camp.
ITINERARY We depart for camp Sunday
EARLY RELEASE FORM: early release doc
For Patrols: Extra camp forms: duty roster, etc FORMS
Every person must take a swim test every year if you want to do ANY water sports. (swimming, boating) The troop will perform a test before camp. (the best way) see Troop Swim Test dates But if they miss the troop testing, then scout must take the test at camp when we arrive, which takes longer due to lines.
Physical Exams
Every scout in the troop, even if they are not going to summer camp, needs to have their health history form updated every year - attachment parts A and B. Any scout thinking about going to summer camp, or any campout that is longer than 2 nights, such as the Fall-break campout, also needs to have a complete physical exam. Physicals can be conducted by the scouts own physician, however the physician needs to use the official BSA form - attachment part C.
Please print out and fill out parts A and B of the BSA physical forms and take PART C to your your family physician.
Be sure to include immunization information, or bring a copy of their shot records. They want to know immunization dates in case of a puncture wound so they know when your last tetanus shot was. A copy of your current insurance card is also needed. Deposits CANNOT be refunded BUT CAN be transferred to another scout.
"Campership" financial aid, partial or full, to cover the fee to
go to camp, is available from funding given to the Blue Grass
Council, BSA, Contact: Summer Camp Coordinator: Mark Vranicar vranicar@uky.edu MEDICATION:
Prescription medications: If your scout is on medication, please put them in a clear plastic bag along w a note of the days/times it's to be taken.
Extra money may be needed for:
$ for certain merit badge crafts, i.e. Leather work , etc (to buy
$ for Trading post snacks / souvenirs / drinks
$ for shotgun shells / bullets for shooting sports. (shotgun may be
14yrs limit)
Merit badges offered : Merit Badge Classes
CAMP Packing List: __ 1 Complete Scout Uniform CLASS
A (Mandatory) uniform shirt, olive pants, red
73 neckerchief , must arrive in uniform on Sunday Troop 73 always travels in full uniform, to and from the destination.
___ Prescription medications.
___ Hanger for Class A -Scout Uniform ___ Scout Handbook - VERY IMPORTANT ___
OA sash (for Friday Tap-Out) ___
Day pack or small backpack to carry merit badge books, notebooks, swimsuit,
towel, water bottle, etc ___
Sunscreen (or sunburn lotion, aloe vera, etc.) ___
Extra ground cloth for Camping and Wilderness Survival ___
Compass for Camping and Wilderness Survival ___
Money for merit badge materials: Archery
Basketry 10
Climbing 20
Leatherwork 10 Mountain
Biking 15
Pioneering 10
Space Exploration 10
Woodcarving - 10 ___
Money for trading post
/ souvenirs / drinks
$20 (for OA members converting to Brotherhood) OPTIONAL Equipment NO Cell phones. Please leave them at home. Most of the adults will have cell phones and the camp has phones, so we have plenty of ways to communicate if necessary. Cell phones make it hard for a boy to work through any "homesickness" he might experience and - these days - they're also game platforms and as such are very distracting from the camp experience. If a boy brings a phone, one of the adults will hold it for him until the end of camp. Electronic games. Not allowed. Like cell phones, they're just too distracting.
Scouts love to receive mail and "care packages" (cookies, snacks, fun items, etc.) from home while at camp. It can take a few days for mail to get to camp, so mail early. The mailing address is:
Troop 73 Campsite 2 McKee Scout Reservation 8695 Levee Rd. Jeffersonville, KY 40337
Phone: 859-498-1328
Website: http://campmckee. org/index. php?option= com_contact&view=category&catid=11&Itemid=3
(Mr. Chase always likes to remind everyone that the adults like cookies,
Family Participation Night: Friday - 4:30-5:30ish Water Carnival, 5:45-6:45 dinner, 7:00
flag lowering, 7:15 campfire. Arrive
back at Centenary on Saturday late morning Also, please take note of the following: Merit Badge books and materials. First-Year campers are in the Dan Beard program (formerly called the Baden-Powell program) and need be concerned only with the Swimming and First Aid merit badges, but it is expected that each camper will bring his own merit badge pamphlets and materials for the classes he's taking. These can be obtained from the scout store. (They have a limited selection available at the Trading Post too, but it's best to get them ahead of time.) We sent an email listing of all the merit badges and their requirements and they also be found in Merit Badge Classes 99.2KB.
** Needed for Merit Badges: Lifesaving,Swimming and Project COPE
A few notes on summer camp:
(*) Arrival - Please be at the church by 10:00AM
on Sunday, June (day we depart). Scouts should be in full uniform.
We will load the bus, check forms, and check-in personal medications.
Medications should be in their original containers, sealed in a plastic
bag along with the scout's name, and include instructions for giving out
the medication(s) to the scout. (Checklists for what to bring to
camp were sent out earlier.) We'll attend church
service, have lunch at the church, and leave for camp around
1:30PM. Scouts should have a full water
bottle for the ride down and the check-in process at camp - it
will most likely be HOT outside.
(*) Family Participation Night - Families are welcome to visit the Troops on Friday night. ALL GUESTS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK IN and receive a visitors pass. Meal tickets are available from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM at the Administration Building, after 5:30 purchase tickets at Stamler Dining Hall. Cub Scouts in uniform eat FREE! The water carnival is at 4:30 p.m., retreat is at 6:00 p.m., dinner is at 6:15 p.m., and the closing campfire is at 8:30 p.m.
(*) Early Dismissal from Camp - Please note that leaving early on
Friday is extremely unfair to the scouts that stay and are
required to clean up and break down camp on
Saturday. If you MUST leave early, you are required to fill
out a release form with the administrative staff at the administration
building. This form must be signed by a parent, the scoutmaster,
and the camp administrator prior to departure. You will also be
responsible for cleaning up your personal area and carrying your
clothing and equipment down from campsite 2 to your car. Excepting
cases of injury or disability, Vehicles will NOT be allowed to drive up
to the campsite. If you already know that you will need to leave
camp early, please let me know before we leave for camp.
All fuel (propane, white gas) must be checked in and held by the Camp Local
Info: Mailing address to [
Hospital: CHI Saint Joseph Health - Carryon for the bus: In a plastic bag bring the clothes you will change into after travel (we will leave ALL uniform pieces including Scout socks on the bus so we can travel home in clean uniforms). SUMMER CAMP CREW!Camp photos are now posted here in the photo section